Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dear Destiny, Sometimes I Don't Believe

Dear Destiny,
Sometimes I don't believe that spring will arrive. When I look at all the trees with bare branches, I find myself doubting that new leaves will grow. I literally feel disbelief that so much can change in such little time as the seasons transition from winter to spring. And then, as if the Earth could sense my fear of an unrelenting state of winter, I notice - almost over night - that blossoms abound and there are traces of green in the trees again. Call it "an awakening" or "sign of hope" or what have you, but change is happening...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dear Destiny, Just When Things Are Looking Up...

Dear Destiny,
Just when things are looking up, my world comes crashing down. Last week I received an "unofficial" job opportunity from one of the nation's top universities, and this week my parents phoned me to say that they are separating. I seem to be stuck on some type of karmic roller coaster and I'd like the ride to stop now, thank you very much. Please Destiny, make it stop!