Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dear Destiny, It's Been a While.

Dear Destiny,
It's been a while. Things have been busy and lonely at the same time. I haven't forgotten you though - have you forgotten me?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dear Destiny, It Feels Like Magic.

Dear Destiny,
It feels like magic - those moments when your research idea starts to seem possible. When you can see the prospective pieces align, and actually think someone else might believe in it too. I don't know what it is about right now, but Destiny I can't stop thinking about how to make this research real! eep!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dear Destiny, The World Is So Big.

Dear Destiny,
The world is so big - it overwhelms me. I feel so small in comparison that it is hard to believe I will ever find my place, or ever find a companion. I feel too familiar with loneliness and yet I know that I can love. I do love, deeply. But I wish I knew the place or the person in this world that could love me back; love me in a way that calms the pangs of feeling lost and alone.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dear Destiny, Sometimes I Don't Believe

Dear Destiny,
Sometimes I don't believe that spring will arrive. When I look at all the trees with bare branches, I find myself doubting that new leaves will grow. I literally feel disbelief that so much can change in such little time as the seasons transition from winter to spring. And then, as if the Earth could sense my fear of an unrelenting state of winter, I notice - almost over night - that blossoms abound and there are traces of green in the trees again. Call it "an awakening" or "sign of hope" or what have you, but change is happening...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dear Destiny, Just When Things Are Looking Up...

Dear Destiny,
Just when things are looking up, my world comes crashing down. Last week I received an "unofficial" job opportunity from one of the nation's top universities, and this week my parents phoned me to say that they are separating. I seem to be stuck on some type of karmic roller coaster and I'd like the ride to stop now, thank you very much. Please Destiny, make it stop!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dear Destiny, I'm Dealing with Depression.

Dear Destiny,
I'm dealing with depression (again). Its fog is in full effect; and with little structure in my life right now, it sometimes yields an incapacitating force. So why am I telling you this Destiny?! Because I hope that if identifying the elephant in the room can set it free, then maybe I can unleash myself from its weightiness.

PS. A good follow-up interview earlier this week + parental protest that I cannot accept the job (in the DRC) = not helping.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Dear Destiny, Where is Humanity?

Dear Destiny,
Where is humanity? Sometimes after reading the news I wonder how this world ever got so big and complicated. When there is ceaseless conflict between neighbors; when people feel justified in killing each other; when trafficking the innocent becomes a business; and when half the species faces discrimination because of xx chromosomes ... how do we survive, this human race?